She is considered one of the successful business women of her generation but she thinks otherwise. She thinks she haven’t accomplished being successful because for her the success of her customers is her success too. Before she decided to go into business, she read books about finance, marketing, advertising and even stock market to prepare her for the worst. She also seeks the help of her trusted friends who are also in the business world. According to her, it was a bumpy ride that she will never forget. Her mistakes become lessons and her experiences become her strength to continue on the journey. For her, the will to succeed is one essential attitude of a leader and employee should be able to adapt this kind of personality to have an optimistic perspective of success. She also engaged herself to online blogging since writing is her first love. In her one article she discussed about modern technology used today to improve business. One is enterprise web site content management that many businesses use today to establish user-friendly website that is needed to enhance company’s image. The company’s website should have good content that could attract more potential customers. According to her, she never regretted building her own business because that what makes her happy.