Tagged questions

Problem with the gradient shimming

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Dear Friends, I've recently encountered a problem with gradient shimming that has never happened to me before. I can't ...
Posted: dkubicki 11 / Updated: Charlie Fry 91 Nov 16 '12 at 09:02

3DNMR CBCANH experment

5 1 8k
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Dear NMR wiki ers Iam working on protein family which can form dimers (total 20kd size ) using 25mM TRIS , 100 mM KCL...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:09

3DNMR CBCANH experment

5 1 8k
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Dear NMR wiki ers Iam working on protein family which can form dimers (total 20kd size ) using 25mM TRIS , 100 mM KCL...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:09

3DNMR CBCANH experment

5 1 8k
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Dear NMR wiki ers Iam working on protein family which can form dimers (total 20kd size ) using 25mM TRIS , 100 mM KCL...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:09

3DNMR CBCANH experment

5 1 8k
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Dear NMR wiki ers Iam working on protein family which can form dimers (total 20kd size ) using 25mM TRIS , 100 mM KCL...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:09

3DNMR CBCANH experment

5 1 8k
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Dear NMR wiki ers Iam working on protein family which can form dimers (total 20kd size ) using 25mM TRIS , 100 mM KCL...
Updated: sri 71 Aug 25 '11 at 00:09

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