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Lock problem on Bruker Avance 600 MHz

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After a energy failure (cryoprobe started to warm up) I cannot establish lock (similar to http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question...
Posted: Fabio de Moraes 1 / Updated: aaaeee 1 Apr 12 '18 at 12:47

PC rebooted suddenly and Topspin got problem. Has this happened to you?

2 0 4k
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Hello all, I was measuring on a Topspin 300MHz and multizg was running (T1ir and cpmg). I unplugged my usb flash memory ...
Updated: Amin os 43 Mar 14 '12 at 02:30

c13 edit noesy phasing problem

3 1 5k
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Dear NMR Wiki'ers I Have acquired c13-edit noesy experiment on 700vnmr for my target protein (20kd) with mixing time of...
Posted: sri 71 / Updated: Justin Frank 1 Jun 29 '16 at 19:48

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