Tagged questions

Distorted/antiphase signals when doing Dosy

5 0 3k
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Hello, I am running Dosy experiment using ledbpgp2s sequence. I am getting sort of signal distortions. I tried the solu...
gravatar 83 Jun 08 '15 at 03:44

Distorted/antiphase signals when doing Dosy

5 0 3k
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Hello, I am running Dosy experiment using ledbpgp2s sequence. I am getting sort of signal distortions. I tried the solu...
gravatar 83 Jun 08 '15 at 03:44

Distorted/antiphase signals when doing Dosy

5 0 3k
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Hello, I am running Dosy experiment using ledbpgp2s sequence. I am getting sort of signal distortions. I tried the solu...
gravatar 83 Jun 08 '15 at 03:44

Distorted/antiphase signals when doing Dosy

5 0 3k
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Hello, I am running Dosy experiment using ledbpgp2s sequence. I am getting sort of signal distortions. I tried the solu...
gravatar 83 Jun 08 '15 at 03:44

Distorted/antiphase signals when doing Dosy

5 0 3k
answers votes views
Hello, I am running Dosy experiment using ledbpgp2s sequence. I am getting sort of signal distortions. I tried the solu...
gravatar 83 Jun 08 '15 at 03:44

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