Hi there! Could anyone share an example of NIH-XPLOR files for annealing of NMR structure with non-natural residues. Maybe some organic molequle or peptide?
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initial version
posted Jan 19 '10 at 11:37 anita |
Hi there! Could anyone share an example of NIH-XPLOR files for annealing of NMR structure with non-natural residues. Maybe some organic molequle or peptide?
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No.1 Revision
posted Jan 19 '10 at 11:40 anita |
Hi there! Could anyone share an example of NIH-XPLOR files for annealing of NMR structure with non-natural residues. Maybe some organic molequle or peptide?peptide? Could upload somewhere and post a link?
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No.2 Revision
posted Jan 19 '10 at 11:40 anita |
Hi there! Could anyone share an example of NIH-XPLOR files for annealing of NMR structure with non-natural residues. Maybe some organic molequle or peptide? Could you upload somewhere and post a link?