I have a 2D complex time domain set stored in ASCII format. I want to be able to process it using nmrPipe. Unfortunately I am running into trouble once I try to use txt2pipe.tcl macro from the nmrPipe package. By convention it assumes that the data is in frequency domain and is real. The conversion into the time domain can be achieved by setting the headers correctly, however the 2D acqusition mode not as easily (Comlex/States/Rance-Kay etc. ). Here is the header I use before FT'ing:
sethdr test.fid -ndim 2 -aq2D States -xFT Time -xMODE Complex -xT 1024 -xN 512 -yFT Time -yMODE Complex -yT 256 -xN 128
Also the way the data is stored is as the following (with 4 spacing in between parameters):
1 1 1 Re[1,1] ! N-type
2 1 1 Re[1,1]
3 1 1 Re[1,1]
512 1 1 Re[1,1]
513 1 1 Im[1,1]
1024 1 1 Im[1,1]
1 2 1 Re[1,1]* ! P-type
2 2 1 Re[1,1]*
3 2 1 Re[1,1]*
512 2 1 Re[1,1]*
513 2 1 Im[1,1]*
1024 2 1 Im[1,1]*
. . .
1 256 1 Re[1,1]*
2 256 1 Re[1,1]*
3 256 1 Re[1,1]*
512 256 1 Re[1,1]*
513 256 1 Im[1,1]*
1024 256 1 Im[1,1]*
I would appreciate it if anyone can point me out whether there is something wrong with the header or the way the data is stored, or even whether it is possible to do with nmrDraw or not.
Thanks, Hasan Celik