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Hi.I would like to run NQR test.I have some questions about it.are there any machines for this technique?if yes,please tell me machine's name.what kind of prob should we use for this? what is its applications?

asked Dec 19 '12 at 10:45

shideh%20bb's gravatar image

shideh bb

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NQR is a zero field resonance. If you have a broad band probe that can tune to the NQR transition you are interested in, you can obtain a resonance by taking the probe out of the magnet. Of course you have to have a pretty good idea of the resonance frequency. Otherwise searching can be fairly difficult.


answered Dec 21 '12 at 09:19

Thomas%20barbara's gravatar image

Thomas barbara

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Dear Thomas;Hi I have a question about NQR test from you. We have a 500MHz BRUKER AVANCE spectrometer.unfortunately its has been quenched.we have 2 probes:5mmQNP and 5mmBBI.Can we run NQR test with this machine?if yes,please tell me how can we do it?


answered May 24 '13 at 06:37

shokoufeh%20karimnia's gravatar image

shokoufeh karimnia

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Spectrometer Tecmag Redstone. Digital NQR console available with multiple RF transmitters, high power linear amplifiers, multiple digital receivers, and low noise figure preamplifiers. The Redstone NQR console can be configured to cover a frequency range of 2 kHz to 3.5 GHz. http://www.tecmag.com/


answered Jun 10 '13 at 00:34

Elena%20Kurenkova's gravatar image

Elena Kurenkova

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Asked: Dec 19 '12 at 10:45

Seen: 4,261 times

Last updated: Jun 10 '13 at 00:34

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