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How do I transfer data sets ( with pulse sequences for measurements of various cross- -relaxtion rates) collected under Xwinnmr DRX console to an Avance III console with topspin 3. (on the same instrument/probe). Is it a straigtforward copying of the data folders, or are there any caveats involved? thank you for any input

asked Mar 05 '11 at 10:43

liliya's gravatar image


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In my experience, yes, you can just copy your experimental data file to the topspin 3.0 data file box. You should put it into the right place. Then you can edit your experimental spectrum. It seems everything is the same. But if you want to preform an experiment use the old pulse sequence from the DRX you maybe need to modify your pulse sequence a little bit.


answered Mar 09 '11 at 03:31

Wendy%20Gong's gravatar image

Wendy Gong

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Asked: Mar 05 '11 at 10:43

Seen: 4,201 times

Last updated: Mar 09 '11 at 03:31

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