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ADC value in Bruker 1T, please tell me how to get it?

asked Jan 28 '15 at 22:11

Huong%20Nguyen's gravatar image

Huong Nguyen

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Dear user - start with a "standard" Proton data set, ... "rga" before "zg"! "rga" makes a test before the real experiment starts with "zg"! "rga" changes the receiver until the algorithm takes a value, which fits best for the analogue to digital converters values. ... is it too big the value, then you have to reduce this value a bit. Too bit rg values are producing a "clipped" FID!

You wanted to do a T1 experiment? Do first a calibration of your pw90 - with popt, ... keep the before measured receiver gain value constant. Also during the T1, with the vd-list itself. Yours, Uli


answered Feb 09 '15 at 07:37

Ulrich%20Haunz's gravatar image

Ulrich Haunz

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Asked: Jan 28 '15 at 22:11

Seen: 2,606 times

Last updated: Feb 09 '15 at 07:37

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