First you have to prepare your sample properly! Is the volume in the sample correct and also the depth?
Do you shimming manually or do you use gradshim first?
Do you use ProTune for tuning and matching or do you have done it manually, both channels (proton and also carbon)?
Then do first the 1D experiments to check, if these are fine. Then you can start to do the 2D, HSQC, HMQC and HMBC are basing upon the proton 1D experiment before.
DEPT, APT and HETCOR you must have before a proper carbon 1D to do these experiments afterwards. These base on a the carbon 1D experiment. This is the measured dimension.
If the 1D experiment, Proton and Carbon, are bad, ... then you have not to do the 2Ds any more!
The message about the Linear Predicition is fine, ... there are data points missing to do a correct predicition. You can click on the linear predicition button, to reset the parameters based on the already measured ones, may be it is now working fine.
wft is only for processing 1D's! wft2da or wft2d is the command for 2D processing, please take the green button "auto processing" in the processing menue for the processing stuff.
Do not forget Shimming and Tuning/Matching before the measurement!
Yours sincerely