There IS a relationship between T1 and correlation time which in turn is dependent on MW and viscosity. However, this method will only given you a rough estimate.
The relationship between rotational correlation time and T1 is given by the Bloembergen, Purcell and Pound equation (BPP) see (
The correlation time can be estimated from knowledge of MW and viscosity as follows:
assuming a spherical shape the radius of hydration rh = ((MW)^0.44)/1.5
Use this radius to calculate volume of hydration Vh.
According to the stokes-einstein relation the rotational diffusion coefficient Dr = kT/(6Vh*viscosity)
Since rotational correlation time = 1/(6Dr)
rotational correlation time = Vh*viscosity/(kT)
k=Boltzmann constant and T=Temperature
Cantor and Schimmel : Biophysical Chemistry
M.Goldman : Quantum description of high-resolution NMR in liquids.