Tagged questions

NOE help, pulse shapes, pbox

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Ok, let's face it. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm a separations chemist running our NMR. sigh. Anyway, I have been co...
Posted: CaymanDave 11 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Feb 21 '13 at 01:41

Varian FIDs ordering: Inner and outer loop in the sequence(Rance-Kay & States)?

1 0 13405
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Dear all, I am new to NMR and I have difficulty understanding the ordering of FIDs, e.g. if an experiment uses both Ran...
Updated: nmr2rmn 3 Mar 27 '13 at 02:12

log: Failed to find Z0 - low s/n

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Hi, everybody! I met a problem on Varian 400 MR: DMSO samples don't lock by "find Z0" button, but I can find lock signal...
Posted: Ilya N 1 / Updated: Ulrich Haunz 210 Mar 09 '15 at 09:18

help understanding varian command

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can someone4 explain how the tssub command works. For example, for phi4[1] = {1} ; settable(t4, 1, phi4) ; what does...
Posted: kaustubh sinha 1 / Updated: Zhang 1 Sep 27 '17 at 03:23

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