Tagged questions

Is there a script that converts Sparky .list files to XPLOR input format?

1 1 5k
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I have 5 different RDCs that I've extracted using simple perl scripts and Sparky .list files. I want to use XPLOR for s...
Posted: mikaelastewart 11 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 15 '10 at 14:37

Software to model a 9-mer peptide that binds divalent metals and may oligomerize?

1 1 11541
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I'm gearing up for a project in which we're looking at the structure of a short peptide that should fold upon binding di...
Posted: jkurutz 131 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Mar 18 '10 at 09:32

Is there a tool to manage NOE and other restraint lists for the structure calculations?

1 0 4k
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Hello, I'm currently working on solving a peptide NMR solution structure using NIH-XPLOR. I find myself a lot starting ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: Ilango 171 Apr 02 '10 at 05:45

Is there software to draw NMR pulse sequences?

1 1 8k
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Hi, Is there a specific program to draw pulse sequences? (preferably in windows) ...
Posted: Cleber Barreto 73 / Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jul 10 '10 at 09:39

How to compile MOLMOL for Ubuntu10.x?

1 0 6k
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Hi, has compiled MOLMOL for 32 bit Ubuntu 10.x or similar? Could you share instructions/source files? Thanks. ...
Posted: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 / Updated: newToNMR 33 Oct 27 '10 at 19:01

NutsPro software to extract a plot from a stacked plot file

1 1 8k
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Hello, I was using VnmrJ to collect an array of 6 NMR spectra. I used VnmrJ to save all 6 spectra in 1 fid file by usin...
Updated: NMRUser61581 13 Mar 07 '11 at 09:56

File with description of parameters

1 0 4k
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Hi, comrades! We use the linux version of TopSpin 2.1 as a software for AVANCE II Bruker 400 MHz. As I found parameters ...
Updated: Alexander Abakumov 11 Nov 19 '12 at 09:16

problem in software

1 0 2k
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Hi.we have a 500MHz AVANCE-bruker but unfortunatly it's has been quenched.our konsole has been off for about 6 month and...
Posted: shokoufeh karimnia 1 / Updated: John Hollerton 96 Apr 16 '13 at 07:57

Tool for Subsampling Uniformly-Acquired Data to Mimic NUS Spectra

1 0 7k
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Hello all, I have several 2D and 3D data sets acquired using Bruker spectrometers in the standard uniform sampling fash...
Updated: ChemMJW 99 Aug 23 '14 at 20:43

A puzzle about NMRPipe COADD with -time option.

0 1 4k
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... Following up on a previous question about processing interleaved gNhsqc_IPAP.c data where IP/AP is on the inner loop...
Updated: Evgeny Fadeev 5771 Jan 15 '10 at 16:49

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