Splitting of amide peaks in indirect proton dimension of a 3D 15N Noesy spectra

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Hello, I am trying to record 3D 15N Noesy-hsqc experiment on 15N labelled protein (50 a.a). The mixing time is 120 m...
Janeka 1 Aug 31 '15 at 10:09

C-C coupling constants measurement

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Hello, I'm trying to set up an experiment to measure C-C coupling constants: 1. Do I understand it right that the standa...
Olga Mukhina 1 Aug 26 '15 at 13:12

How to edit format of Variables in NMRPipe?

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Dear all, I would like to change the number of decimal place for the X and Y ppm values in nmrdraw (peak detection). The...
Jerry J 1 Aug 18 '15 at 14:37

Partially Parallel Imaging

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I am running Paravision 4.0 from Topsin 1.5 with one receiver coil. I would like to increase the PPI acceleration factor...
adam 1 Jul 21 '15 at 05:18

Volume Integration 2D spectra

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Hi, Can anyone enlighten me on the best way to calculate volume integration on 2D spectra (Bruker, Topspin). I have tri...
doodlebugs 1 Jul 06 '15 at 07:54

T2 relaxation in solids

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Hi, While the T2 relaxation in liquids is connected with motional correlation time (tauc), what's the source of T2 rela...
Frey 61 Jun 14 '15 at 20:01

recovery of solvent NMR

1 0 2k
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Hi Do you confirm recovery of NMR solvents? Thanks ...
sattar saberi 1 Jun 14 '15 at 05:48

Distorted/antiphase signals when doing Dosy

5 0 3k
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Hello, I am running Dosy experiment using ledbpgp2s sequence. I am getting sort of signal distortions. I tried the solu...
gravatar 83 Jun 08 '15 at 03:44

15N-proline site specific labeling

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Can anyone share a protocol for site specific 15N-proline labeling of proteins? Would I need to supplement the media wit...
eliasjf 1 May 29 '15 at 11:44

Calculate the resonance frequency of hydrogen nucleus in an applied field of 2.4 T if ßN = 5.05 x 10-27 JT-1 and g = 5.585.

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Calculate the resonance frequency of hydrogen nucleus in an applied field of 2.4 T if ßN = 5.05 x 10-27 JT-1 and g = 5.5...
mala ramanji 1 May 24 '15 at 06:24


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