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After a energy failure (cryoprobe started to warm up) I cannot establish lock (similar to http://qa.nmrwiki.org/question/438/lock-error-bruker-ascend-600). After autolock, I got the message "Lock is OFF". I've tried to change the lock power, as it was different to th edlock standard. Lock shift was no different than its standard value. I have also tried to shut down the BSMS, but it didn't help. Any suggestions?

asked Oct 31 '16 at 05:58

Fabio%20de%20Moraes's gravatar image

Fabio de Moraes

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Hi, how did you solve the problem? We ' ve got something like this today :-( First experiments super, after lunch 'lock is off', everything seems to be ok, console - no red lights, atma ok, we did pc, topspin, console restarts.. no help..


answered Apr 12 '18 at 12:47

aaaeee's gravatar image


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