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I known how to pick peaks automatically. But it always omits some small peaks and picks some noise as peaks. Is there anyone knowing how to do a manual peak picking?
asked Oct 29 '13 at 14:31
de xiao 11
Anybody can help me? - de xiao (Nov 27 '13 at 08:01)
there is a way to set the threshold. please search the parameter and commands manual for VnmrJ.
answered Dec 12 '13 at 08:20
dejian 11
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peak-picking ×7
Asked: Oct 29 '13 at 14:31
Seen: 3,157 times
Last updated: Dec 12 '13 at 08:20
how to do peak picking manually in VNMRJ
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Anybody can help me? - de xiao (Nov 27 '13 at 08:01)